ICGCE 2024

Award Winners
ICGCE 2024

Congratulations to our award winners.

1) Avidha Shah
Geotechnical Engineering Research and Development Center (GERD), Kasetsart University, Thailand
Email: shah.avidha@gmail.com
Title: Application of Screw Driving Sounding (SDS) for Investigating Soft and Highly Variable Ground Conditions

2) Gaurav Kumar Mathur
Student, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India
Email: gaurav_2121ce03@iitp.ac.in
Title: Thermal and Mechanical Responses of Pre-Existing Cracked Rock Samples Under Uniaxial Loading: Effects of Heat Treatment and Grouting

3) Ika Puji Hastuty
Lecturer, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Email: ika.hastuty@usu.ac.id
Title: Identification of Landslide Hazard Areas Based on Human Activities Using Geographic Information Systems in Central Aceh Regency

4) Kimihiro Mitsuse
Student of Master’s, Saga University, Saga, Japan
Email: 23737001@edu.cc.saga-u.ac.jp
Title:Relationship Between the Distribution of Soil Properties and the Quality of Improved Columns Based on the Soil Structure in the Saga Lowland

5) Nabin K. Sapkota
Member, AGU – American Geophysical Union (Canada)
Email: sapkotanbn23@gmail.com
Title: Study of Tunnel Deformation with Emphasis on Squeezing: A Case Study of the Lower Modi Hydroelectric Project, Parbat, Nepal

6) Ripon Hore
Geotechnical Lab Manager, APS Engineering and Testing, USA
Email: riponhore@gmail.com
Title: Piloting a Wave-Resilient Wrap-Faced Embankment in Banglades

7) Xin-Hui Zhou
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Email: shensl@stu.edu.cn
Title: A Data-Driven Approach for Risk Assessment During Shield Tunneling